Saturday, October 18, 2008

Halloween at Disneyland!!!

Along with the Trounce family, we took our kids to California Adventure at Disneyland to trick or treat. It's something we've done the past few years and we recommend it to everyone. The kids come home with way too much candy and the unfortunate thing is that Katrina and I end up eating it all.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Red Sox Game

One thing that Katrina has had to endure in our 6 years of marriage is my love for the Boston Red Sox. Thankfully I was able to transform her and our kids into fans of the Sox.

If I could, I would like to give you a brief history of the Red Sox. Before 2004, it was 86 long years since the Sox won the World Series. I thought it was only a coincidence that on the same year Katrina was pregnant with Hannah that the Sox ended up winning the World Series. But, for two years they didn't win. However, they did win the World Series again in 2007 while she was pregnant with Brady. I like to think I lent a helping hand in them winning those World Series titles. As the ol' sang goes, I think I might have to take one for the team and have another baby. We'll see...

Anyway, we were given these tickets to game 1 of the ALDS against the Angels. I hesitated for a second in deciding if I should take the family to the game. I tend to get heckled during the game from Angel fans which turns into me running my mouth back. So for one night I decided to bite my tongue and enjoy a night with my family. Once again, it was another playoff win for the Red Sox over the Angels. Go Sox!

We needed a telescope to see the game from our seats!

Go Sox!

Brady is focused on the game.

Sunday, September 28, 2008

FV Carnival

I guess you can call it a carnival.... But Fountain Valley had a "carnival" with fun exhibits, games, and good food. We had our nephews, Tyler and Tanner for the weekend and figured this would be fun for the kids. The kids loved it because they got to eat a lot of junk food, take part in some crafts, and even get in a cop car. I even tried to slip the officer a twenty to take Hannah away for a little while but he wasn't having it.

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Cody & Marisa Got Married

By the look of things, Katrina has been lagging a little bit. So I am going to try and get our family blog back on track. Hopefully, together we can keep things updated......Katrina's brother got married, a day that some of us thought we might never see. Just playing! However, Cody married an awesome girl, Marisa, and we are so excited to have her in our family. The wedding was at the Jones Estate in Orange and we all had an awesome time.

Cody & Marisa

The Family

Ashley, Hannah, Kylie, & Madison

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Swim Party!!

Swim Party!!

Madison and Hannah
Tanner- He loves those steps!
Tyler- This boy has no fear

Brady Boy

The Crew!

Casie and Karissa and I took all the kids to the pool this weekend and had a blast. The pool has a 2 foot kids pool and the kids had a ball. Apparently Karissa's son Tyler taught himself to swim. He was jumping off the edge into the pool and swimming. Those cousins have so much fun when we all get together!

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Weekend in San Diego

We had a fun weekend at Sea World, San Diego. My mom took the whole clan, all 15 of us, for a fun filled weekend!! We spent two days at Sea World and saw it all. Hannah's favorite show was the dolphins (above).

Hannah girl and her grandma Karen. I think she actually got to sit on grandma's lap more than Madison!!

Thanks Mom for such a fun time!

Monday, May 19, 2008

Mc Drooly is 5 Months

Mc Drooly is 5 months today! Mc Drooly, Mc Spitty, Mc Barfy... whatever you want to call him. Who would have guessed that this chunk would be as big as he is, reflux and all! At his 4 month he was almost 19 pounds! I am ready to retire the infant seat because I can't carry the darn thing anymore. It's so crazy how fast they grow. Everyone tells you that... but it's so true. We waited for a while to have #2 beacuse we wanted to enjoy Hannah. Now that Brady is here time is going too quickly. I feel like I don't have enough time in the day to sit and play.